Only God is almighty (revisited)

The history of mankind has known nations and civilizations that have dominated one another mostly by the use of scientific and technological advancement. Religion has however played a very important role in the organization of the dominance of nations over others. Every nations had at its head a ruler and he was the decision maker who had thus a huge influence of the destiny of the subjects, however the rulers were never almighty except in mythology and their rule always came to an End.

Religions describe God as eternal(without end) and almighty(capable of everything) and in control of our destinies: “For the Lord almighty has purposed, and who can thwart Him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?” Isaiah 14:27. Many religious ruler such as the pope for Christianity and the Mullahs for some Muslims had to be considered as the most powerful among their people in a time in history. But many of them had fail to proof this position as there have always been divisions among the major religious movements. For instance, at the end of the 17th century, whereas the sultan of Constantinople was ruling over a large empire from the middle east to north Africa through southern Europe, the pope was still at the head of the roman Empire and many of the western nations of Europe whereas the eastern nations of Europe considered themselves orthodox.

It is remarkable that even during the end of our century, the head of state of the united States of America is considered the most powerful man on earth but in fact many other nations somehow demonstrate their own supremacy. Many of us agrees that God is almighty but there is unanimity about the nature of God . Religions and even some of the earlier mythologies have described God as the creator at the origin of our existence. From the eldest civilizations such as that of the Sumerian in Mesopotamia more that 4000 years ago till today, Kings considered themselves very mighty but still never wholly claim divinity.

The mighty King Gilgamesh who build the city of Uruk claimed to be 2 third God. Various ancient religions had a lot of God and considered one of them as the mighty creator. But later on our civilization was influence by so-called monotheistic religions, claiming to be a message from the only one true God, by his chosen prophets.

According to the Quran , God had sent messenger to every people : « We sent a messenger to every community, sayning, « Worship only one God and shun false gods. »(quran 16:36).

It is believed that all the prophets from Adam to Moses, and Jesus or Muhammad taught the same core message about the unity of God on high. The almighty refered to in Hebrew als al Saddal meaning God all powerful and the mighty one(Genesis 49:24) ,(Pslams 132:2). Whereas is is almost clear for many what it means, the concept of God has been one of the most challenging to apprehend by humans.

He who understands how powerful God is will understand that we are all slaves of God, subjected to him and the purpose of creation. No matter if we are righteous or corrupt, believer or disbeliever, destined for paradise or Hell , we are all slaves of God and he is the disposer of all our affairs. But because of the pride from our freewill we are sometimes thinking of being capable of a lot of things from ourselves. But the truth is that no one can really operate outside the will or decree of God. God the the king of kings, and nobody whether righteous or corrupt can oversteps the limit of his will even if he wants to. Nothing can happen without the will of God as he is the Lord of the Alamine(The world that we see with our eyes and the other world that is unseen.

It is only God who gives death and life and it is only he who runs everything. The might of God is always expressed by God is sufficient for us:

Those unto whom the People said: “Verily the people have gathered against you( a great army),therefore fear them, but it only increases them in faith, and they said “ God is sufficient for us, and he is the best disposer of our affair”(Quran 3:173)

Therefore it is true to say that there is no power that can compete with the power of God.

The history of mankind has known nations and civilizations that have dominated one another mostly by the use of scientific and technological advancement. Religion has however played a very important role in the organization of the dominance of nations over others. Every nations had at its head a ruler and he was the decision maker had thus a huge influence of the destiny of the subjects, however the rulers were never almighty except in mythology and their rule always came to an End.

Religions describe God as eternal(without end) and almighty(capable of everything) and in control of our destinies: “For the Lord almighty has purposed, and who can thwart Him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?” Isaiah 14:27. Many religious ruler such as the pope for Christianity and the Mullahs for some Muslims had to be considered as the most powerful among their people in a time in history. But many of them had fail to proof this position as there have always been divisions among the major religious movements. For instance, at the end of the 17th century, whereas the sultan of Constantinople was ruling over a large empire from the middle east to north Africa through southern Europe, the pope was still at the head of the roman Empire and many of the western nations of Europe whereas the eastern nations of Europe considered themselves orthodox.

It is remarkable that even during the end of our century, the head of state of the united States of America is considered the most powerful man on earth but in fact many other nations somehow demonstrate their own supremacy. Many of us agrees that God is almighty but there is unanimity about the nature of God . Religions and even some of the earlier mythologies have described God as the creator at the origin of our existence. From the eldest civilizations such as that of the Sumerian in Mesopotamia more that 4000 years ago till today, Kings considered themselves very mighty but still never wholly claim divinity.

The mighty King Gilgamesh who build the city of Uruk claimed to be 2 third God. Various ancient religions had a lot of God and considered one of them as the mighty creator. But later on our civilization was influence by so-called monotheistic religions, claiming to be a message from the only one true God, by his chosen prophets.

According to the qu’ran , God had sent messenger to every people : « We sent a messenger to every community, saying, « Worship only one God and shun false gods. »(quran 16:36).

It is believed that all the prophets from Adam to Moses, and Jesus or Muhammad taught the same core message about the unity of God on high. The almighty referred to in Hebrew as al Saddal meaning God all powerful and the mighty one(Genesis 49:24) ,(Psalms 132:2). Whereas is is almost clear for many what it means, the concept of God has been one of the most challenging to apprehend by humans.

He who understands how powerful God is will understand that we are all slaves of God, subjected to him and the purpose of creation. No matter if we are righteous or corrupt, believer or disbeliever, destined for paradise or Hell , we are all slaves of God and he is the disposer of all our affairs. But because of the pride from our freewill we are sometimes thinking of being capable of a lot of things from ourselves. But the truth is that no one can really operate outside the will or decree of God. God the the king of kings, and nobody whether righteous or corrupt can oversteps the limit of his will even if he wants to. Nothing can happen without the will of God as he is the Lord of the Alamine(The world that we see with our eyes and the other world that is unseen.

It is only God who gives death and life and it is only he who runs everything. The might of God is always expressed by God is sufficient for us:

Those unto whom the People said: “Verily the people have gathered against you( a great army),therefore fear them, but it only increases them in faith, and they said “ God is sufficient for us, and he is the best disposer of our affair”(Quran 3:173)

Therefore it is true to say that there is no power that can compete with the power of God.

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